Sellers - (Please call Jim Starliper at (301) 331-7120 to make other arrangements during the week)
Some information is needed when you are interested in selling your livestock. We request that you have any pedigree paperwork or significant health information such as; (deworming or vaccination dates) on your animal, which in turn provides a higher return on your investment. Have this information ready for the ticket writers when you unload at the trailer chute or at the front dock. Please, Make sure you check your dock ticket information to make sure the name and address is correct for mailing your check.
Buyers or Sellers In Need of a Hauler
Do not worry about finding a reliable company for hauling. Our office has a list of reliable local haulers to meet your needs. You may also visit our Haulers & Trucking Tab to find a Hauler close to you.
Special Dispersal Sales
You may request a special dispersal observation of your herd. This service is designed to give you an idea of a fair price for you cattle at your location, when you are dispering your herd through our sale barn. Advertizment of your disperal will be included on this website plus facebook.
Contact us to learn more information about the various Special livestock sales that take place throughout the month.